Loud Noise & Our Hearing

Loud Noise & Our Hearing

You may not be aware, but loud noise can cause both temporary and permanent hearing loss.
Permanent hearing loss depends on both how loud the sound is, as well as how long we are exposed to that sound.

It’s not only musicians or construction workers who are exposed to frequent loud noise….

Many people, of all ages, use headphones for hours on end, at loud levels, for gaming or to enjoy music.


Noise in the Workplace

Employees may also be exposed to persistent loud noise at work (e.g. in factories, at airports & within construction) which can result in permanent damage over time.

Most countries have legislation on acceptable loud noise levels and when employers must provide adequate hearing protection, e.g. ear defenders.


UK Legislation

In the United Kingdom, if the average noise exposure reaches 85 decibels (dBA), by law an employer must provide adequate hearing protection.

There are also maximum sound levels, above which employees must NOT be exposed.

(The Control of Noise at Work Regulations, 2005)


How Loud are Everyday Sounds?

Average sound levels of everyday sounds…

  • Normal Breathing = 10dB
  • Ticking Watch = 20dB
  • Whisper = 30dB
  • Normal Conversational Speech = 60dB
  • Washing Machine = 70dB
  • Lawnmower = 60-90dB
  • Dog Bark = 60-110dB
  • Food Processors/Blenders = 80-90dB
  • Motorcycles & Subway Trains = 90dB
  • Factory Machinery = 100dB
  • Shouting In Someone’s Ear = 110dB
  • Ambulance Siren = 120dB
  • Percussion Section At Symphony = 130dB
  • Jet Engine At Takeoff = 150dB


Aside from causing temporary or permanent inner ear (sensorineural) hearing loss, loud noise can also trigger… Tinnitus.
So, try to prevent hearing loss and keep HEALTHY HEARING… BY BEING PROACTIVE!

Try to avoid unnecessary, prolonged loud noise exposure, BOTH at home & at work…

AND keep the volume down!!!


Dr Benjamin Shaw | Audiovestibular Consultant Physician | TheDizzySpecialist.com

I am an Audiovestibular Consultant Physician, based in London. I am a highly experienced and specialised Medical Doctor, who accurately diagnoses and effectively manages dizziness, vertigo, balance disorders, hearing loss & tinnitus. I am also a committed advocate for patients with these debilitating symptoms and create healthcare-related educational content, with the aim of empowering patients to better understand and manage their conditions.
Dr Benjamin Shaw. Consultant Audiovestibular Physician | Specialist in dizziness, vertigo, balance disorders, tinnitus & hearing loss. Profile picture

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